2 minute read.

Daily Reading: Deuteronomy 5-9 GW; Proverbs 1-2 GW
Respect God’s authority, learn God’s ways.
Proverbs is considered one of the wisdom books. Written by Solomon, a man who gained his knowledge from God, it is full of practical advice. The wisest thing you can do is respect God’s role in your life. The fear Solomon is talking about isn’t that of a tyrant. Instead, healthy fear is awe and respect for your Creator, which leads to obedience. Recognizing, like Solomon did, that God is the wisest means, we know where to go for knowledge. We gain God’s wisdom by being obedient.
Fools, on the other hand, refuse to obey. Instead, they dig in their heels, letting stubbornness keep them from learning. If they refuse to submit to God’s authority, they’ll never understand. God isn’t someone to play games with in life; the Creator knows every thought and action we do. You can’t hide from the Creator. God gives us free will to live our lives however we want. He also lets us suffer the consequences of the decisions we make. Stupid is as stupid does.
Fear motivates obedience.
When trouble comes, people pray. One study found three-in-ten adults in America say the pandemic of 2020 strengthened their faith. Facing situations we can’t control causes us to turn to the one who is in control.
“Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.” (Romans 12:2 NIV)
Prayer is a conversation with God that transforms our hearts and minds. As our hearts align with God’s, we gain His wisdom. We’ll begin to understand; obedience is key to growth. Fear of the Lord is the first step to gaining His knowledge.

Lord, we are in awe of You. Your ways amaze us; the air we breathe is because of You. Forgive us for our stubbornness. Lord, protect us from ourselves. Remove our strongholds from us; let us follow You in complete obedience. Give us Your wisdom, Your knowledge, Your heart. Life isn’t about us; it’s about You. With You, we have all we need. Without You, we are stubborn fools. All glory is Yours. IJNIP. Amen
Question for reflection
What are of your life are you being stubborn?