2 minute read.

Daily Reading: Deuteronomy 4 GW; John 21 GW
God’s work is personal.
One of my favorite pastimes is listening to people talk about God. Everyone is a theologist; your belief about God is your theology. Because we are like snowflakes, no two alike, we all have different perspectives on God. What is important is how you relate to God and His interaction with you. Our problem isn’t God working in our lives; we forget the work He has already done.
Moses is speaking to the Israelites in today’s scripture. He’s once again reminding the Israelites of all God did for them in the past. Moses must constantly remind his flock that God is working daily in their lives. Our memories grow shorter with each new technological advance. Our phones serve as an external brain. We rely on the palm-sized computer to remember everything for us, meaning if we don’t write it down, we forget.
Short pencils beat long memories.
Write down your God moments. Find someplace where you can record when God answers your prayers. I have a “Prayer Board” that I post my continuing prayers. When God moves, I store them in a basket. Now and then, I read back through them. Since Moses isn’t here to remind me, I have to remind myself.
We all need reminders of what God has done for us. When today’s pressures close in on us, we quickly forget the times God has provided in the past. Remembering what God did helps you have faith in what God will do. In effect, we remind ourselves of this fact: God is with us. God was present in the last disaster; He’s in this one too.
Write down five things God has done for you in the past. Post the list somewhere you will see it often. Remind yourself daily; God did it before. He’ll do it again.

Lord, You are the God of provision. No matter what the situation, You have an answer. Forgive us for forgetting so quickly how you have provided for us in the past. Today, remind us of your sovereignty in our lives. Whatever we face today, help us have faith. You are already at work. In You, we have all we need. You did it for us before, Lord; please do it again today. IJNIP. Amen
Question for reflection
What are five things God has done for you in the past?