2 minute read.

Daily Reading: Numbers 35-36 GW; John 17 GW
Jesus finished well.
No one can argue, Jesus was obedient to His mission. Dying a torturous death on the cross to prove God’s love for us, that’s a good finish. Jesus overcoming death started the next chapter of life for us. Eternity is available because of what Jesus did. Through Him, we grasp the extent of our Creator’s love for us, without Him, death; with Him, life. Thank God Jesus didn’t quit.
Jesus knew the importance of working out His notice. Transitions are a part of life. Moving forward in life means ending one chapter before beginning another. Like Jesus, we need to finish well. When we leave this earth, we’ll leave loved ones behind. We want them to join us in heaven. The life we live here could determine whether or not meeting again happens.
Lead like Jesus.
Jesus ended well so that we could do the same. God’s purpose for Jesus was to connect us with Him. Love is the connection Jesus modeled for us. While on earth, He loved His heavenly Father, as well as His earthly flock. Jesus showed genuine fondness for everyone He met. His emotions show the depth of His caring. He wept with those who wept, rejoiced with those who rejoiced. In all things, Jesus loved.
No one knows how long God will give them on this earth. Today is your opportunity to love like Jesus. Every day God gives you, become more like Jesus. Loving like Jesus will draw people to you and your heavenly Father. When You finish well on this earth, you’re loved ones will follow.
Whatever chapter you’re finishing in life, finish well. Do the next right thing, one step at a time. Practice loving like Jesus. You’re guaranteed to end well.

Jesus, how grateful we are You finished well. Forgive us the times in our life that we haven’t ended well because we haven’t loved. Help us today to love like You. Whoever we meet, show us how we can extend Your love to them. Whether kind word or deed, let our actions encourage and uplift all we meet. Our hope is in You. Because You finished well, we can too. All things are made new in You. IJNIP. Amen
Question for reflection
What do you need to finish well?