2 minute read.

Daily Reading: Numbers 21 GW; Psalms 135 GW; John 3 GW
Jesus doesn’t condemn.
Our Savior does not hold our past against us. Jesus accepts us as we are. When I was a child, I thought of God as the great punisher. I didn’t want to spend time with Him because I thought Jesus would criticize me for what a horrible sinner I am. But that isn’t who Jesus is. He is a God of grace, love, and mercy. We are the ones putting conditions on the relationship, not Jesus.
Any one of us who follows Christ still sins. Our first confession of sin isn’t our last. Just this morning, before writing this devotional, I had a terrible thought run through my mind out of nowhere. I don’t know why I would even think such a thing, yet I did. My immediate remorse came with a confession to God for my thoughts.
Part of our ongoing relationship with Jesus is a daily renewal and cleansing. Each day I turn to Him, I have something to confess. No matter how hard I try, I will always have sin lurking in the corners. We all do. Sin is part of the human condition.
Christ’s perfection cleanses our imperfection.
With Jesus, we are made new. Embrace your imperfection’s so you can fully accept God’s perfection. Just like a hot shower refreshes and renews the body, confession cleanses the soul. Becoming self-aware of our sinful nature and our struggles help us have an honest relationship with God. Understanding, Jesus didn’t come to condemn; He came to love makes Him more approachable. Don’t fear exposing your heart to God. Instead, relish in the realization, He loves you so much, He made a way to have an intimate relationship with You.
Jesus is the way. He doesn’t condemn; He renews. Bear your soul to Him today. Allow Jesus to transform you, one day at a time.

Lord, how grateful we are that You don’t condemn. Forgive us for the condemnation we place on ourselves and others. Help us practice a lifestyle of “No Judgement.” Whatever fears we have of growing closer to You, remove them from us. Help us to see ourselves as You see us. As we embrace our sinful nature, let us give it to You. In You, we find freedom. IJNIP. Amen
Question for reflection
What have you condemned yourself for lately?