2 minute read.

Daily Reading: Numbers 5-6 GW; Psalms 61 GW
Life’s trials need God’s help.
When we’re in the midst of a struggle, crying out to God is effortless. When we’ve lost control, He’s still in control. One harsh reality about life, we have little power over what happens to us. None of us know what the hours ahead will hold; only God knows.
“The dice are thrown, but the LORD determines every outcome.” (Proverbs 16:33 GW)
God hears our cries. He has a plan for our lives, even if we don’t understand it. In the worst of life’s heartaches, He is with us. February 23rd marked the third anniversary of our friend Bryan’s murder. He left behind his wife and daughter. The worship leader at his church, he was serving the Lord when two young men confronted him, taking his life. We will never know why this happened this side of heaven. The pain of his loss is carried by all who knew him. Amid this senseless tragedy, God carries us through, one day at a time.
God sustains us through prayer.
“Prayer Component” is a weekly zoom meeting that developed because of COVID. Each Wednesday, led by Bryan’s father, we gather and study prayer. When Mike begins our time of prayer, he uses these words, “Father, in your mercy, hear our prayer…” Mike was also a victim that day, shot five times; his survival is a miracle. When he tells his story, he talks about sitting on the bathroom floor, wounded, crying out to God in prayer. God answered. Mike began to move, calling 911 for help to come.
God hears our cries. He answers our prayers. Some answers we can’t understand; only God knows the reason. We throw the dice; God determines the outcome.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayers. As we come before You today, we lay our burdens at Your feet. We ask forgiveness for our sins as we turn to You. Help us today feel Your presence in our circumstances. Open our eyes and ears to receive Your response. When we look at the world today, let us do it through Your eyes. Give us the strength we need to do what You have for us to do. In all things, the glory is Yours. IJNIP. Amen
Question for reflection
How has God answered your cries for help?