2 minute read.

Daily Reading: Leviticus 26-27 GW; 1 John 5 GW
Prayers of the heart meet God’s approval.
God doesn’t look at the outside of man; He looks within at his heart. When we bear our hearts to Him, He listens. God hears real, authentic cries from His children. He longs to interact with us on a personal level. God wants us to lay all pretense aside and give Him the good, bad and ugly.
God doesn’t do fake. He does real.
Recently, I learned about besetting sin, defined as a “main or constant problem or fault.” For instance, I have a sweet tooth. When my students gave me Valentine’s candy at the end of class last week, the boxes were empty by morning. I don’t buy sweets because I can’t resist sweets, one of my besetting sins. Whatever our “sins” are that we can’t control, those are the ones God wants to talk about with us. In Him, we can find victory.
God is waiting to hear from you.
Today, right now, God’s waiting for you. He is like a mother whose child is returning from a long trip. She counts down the minutes until she can talk to her baby, wrap him in her arms and feel his presence. God longs for you to turn to Him. Tell Jesus what you’re struggling with today. Whatever nagging sin you battle within life, let God help you find victory.
“Look to the LORD and His strength; seek His face always.” (1 Chronicles 16:11 NIV)
When you turn to God with an open heart, He listens. Whatever your struggles, God has the answer. But first, you have to turn to Him.

Lord, how thankful we are You listen and have the answers we need. Forgive us for turning to other sources for strength instead of You. Help us to see the error of our ways and turn back to You. Give us courage to tell You everything. Let us lay at your feet the sins we struggle with each day, knowing we can find victory in You. Hear our cries, Lord. In Your mercy, give us strength to overcome. IJNIP. Amen
Question for reflection
What are you holding back from God today?