2 minute read.

Daily Reading: Leviticus 11 GW; 2 Corinthians 11 GW; Psalms 56 GW
Your weaknesses are God’s strength.
When we boast about what we can’t do, we’re glorifying what God can do. Paul is listing things he could brag about but doesn’t. Instead, Paul highlights his weaknesses to show God’s strength. Paul realizes, without God, he can do nothing. He’s also emphasizing; we’re in this together:
“When anyone is weak, I’m weak too. When anyone is caught in a trap, I’m also harmed.” (2 Corinthians 11:29 GW)
All of us fall short in some way. We are perfectly imperfect people. Through our imperfections, God’s perfection shines. Instead of hiding your weaknesses, embrace them. Realize, your shortcomings are for your purpose on earth. God created you specifically for something only you can do. Through your weaknesses, find God’s purpose.
God knows your weaknesses.
You can’t hide from God. Whatever weakness you’re ashamed of today, God already knows. He is waiting for you to give it to Him. When you say, “I can’t,” God says, “I can.” But first, you have to tell Him. More than anything, God wants a relationship with You. He wants you to communicate with Him about all your anxieties and fears. Whatever shortcoming you’re struggling with in life, take it to God. Let Him help you overcome with His strength.
You will always have weaknesses in your life. Today, my struggles aren’t the same as 20 years ago, but I still have flaws. Some battles are life long, some only for a season. But in each of our weaknesses, God helps us overcome. He gives us the strength we need for today. Lay your imperfections at His feet, watch Him create perfection.

Lord, how grateful we are for Your strength. When we are weak, You are strong. Forgive us for trying to hide our weaknesses from You and the world. Give us strength today to overcome our failings. Help us glorify You as we face the day ahead, accepting our imperfections. Help us understand; whatever shortcomings we have, they are part of our purpose. Each of us has a destiny to fulfill, help us today to move forward in it. IJNIP. Amen
Question for reflection
What weaknesses can you brag about today?