2 minute read.

Daily Reading: Leviticus 6-7 GW; 2 Corinthians 9 GW
You have everything you need.
If you live in America, the odds are good you have more than you need. Organizations offer food and shelter to the homeless. We have the freedom to live as we choose. Your life truly is what you make it in America. Our nation is blessed. We don’t realize how blessed we are.
Nothing brought home my blessings, like visiting a Third World Country. My one trip abroad was to El Salvador. I will never forget the lessons I learned spending a week in that country. Men armed with assault rifles everywhere; I was afraid to go anywhere by myself. We visited the home of one of the single mothers we met. When I needed to use the bathroom, I will never forget the outhouse, no running water, and no electricity. The family used water from a dirty cistern to cook meals. Children became ill with dysentery from the bug-infested water. Living in America is a blessing; we are the Land of the Free. We have more than we need.
We have excess.
When we landed in Atlanta on our flight home from El Salvador, I’ll never forget the feeling of letdown. The people I met on my trip, their happiness and joy was incredible to me. These women and children, who had nothing, enjoyed life more than my friends back home, who had everything. Their relationships with each other weren’t surface. Life in El Salvador didn’t revolve around consumerism; it revolved around God.
Realize, you have everything you need. God provides in abundance. From your blessings, do good things.

Lord, thank You for Your provision. Forgive us for thinking we lack anything. Our country overflows with food and shelter for its people, thank You. Help us manage what we have well. From our abundance, help us to do more and more good things. Give us spiritual eyes today to see how we can bring joy into the world with our actions. Make our spirits sensitive to the needs around us. Help us love everyone we interact with today in a way pleasing to You. IJNIP. Amen
Question for reflection
Are you doing more and more good with what you have?