2 minute read.

Daily Reading: Leviticus 4-5 GW; 2 Corinthians 8 GW
Commit to Christ, experience His joy.
Paul is talking about the suffering believers in Jerusalem experienced. The Macedonia church was poverty-stricken. Famine covered the land, family members disowned them, and they could not make money. On top of all that, Jewish and Roman authorities were double-taxing them. From a worldly perspective, life sucked. But they were all in with God; His priorities were theirs. Generosity flowed freely from them, even though they had little to give. With joy, they gave willingly. Godly perspective is different from worldly perspective.
Our worldly status doesn’t define our freedom in Christ. Generosity doesn’t require perfect conditions. I wrote my first tithe check when I was on unemployment. Five months passed before God blessed me with a permanent job. My new tithe amount was greater than my entire unemployment check. Generous giving comes from a heart grounded in Christ. Tithing isn’t a money issue; it’s a heart issue.
Christ-centered hearts are generous.
Why I love tithing, it’s a heart check. If I’m struggling to give, I know I’m placing my bank account over my love for Jesus. Remembering, all I have comes from above reminds me; it’s not mine anyway. None of what we have is truly ours. God gives, and He takes away. What we have today, we might not have tomorrow. No guarantees exist in this world, but Christ guarantees our eternal world.
Whatever suffering you’re enduring today, look to Jesus. Ask Him into the situation. Place your faith in His plan. Let your heart overflow with joy as you gain new perspective through Christ.

Lord, You rock! Thank You for letting us live in America, Land of the Free. Forgive us for taking our freedoms for granted. Help us today remember those less fortunate than ourselves. Give us generous hearts as we focus our gaze on You. Whatever sufferings we’re experiencing, allow them to draw us closer to You. Let this prayer start a conversation with You that lasts all day. Fill our hearts with joy as we join You in Your work. IJNIP. Amen
Question for reflection
How committed are you to Jesus today?