2 minute read.

Daily Reading: Exodus 39-40 GW; 2 Corinthians 6 GW
Loving others is serving God.
What is Jesus remembered for today? The greatest act of love ever known, dying for the world. When we are known as servants of God, we die to ourselves as we love others. Instead of taking the largest serving at dinner, we take the smallest. When we feel like complaining about someone, we use it as an opportunity to pray for them instead. And when we see a need, we meet a need. We help when people need help. We listen when someone needs to talk. We hold when someone needs holding. That’s what a servant of Jesus does.
When you’re chatting with God in eternity, He’s not going to ask for a resume of good deeds. God isn’t going to ask how many volunteer roles you held. What God does care about is how you loved while on earth. The depth of your relationship with God reflects in your relationship with others.
Communicate with the Creator.
Without communication, you can’t have a relationship. Developing a more profound connection with Jesus requires talking to Him. As you learn to converse more and more freely with Him, your service will become part of who you are. Understanding the depth of God’s love for you means understanding He loves everyone equally. When you look at another human being, you are looking at someone God loves. And He wants you to love them too. Serving Jesus is loving people more than yourself.
Let your actions speak for you today. Whoever you meet, find a way to love. Speak life into them with uplifting words. Demonstrate your devotion to God by loving His people.

Lord, You are the best Master we could have. Your unconditional love flows into us more and more as we seek You. Help us cleanse ourselves of our sins as we confess them to You. Let us set aside time to have a conversation with You today and every day. The more we learn to talk to You, the more we’ll learn to love. Help us represent Jesus well today as we try to live as He lived. At all times, He loved. IJNIP. Amen
Question for reflection
How can your actions show your service to God today?