2 minute read.

Daily Reading: Exodus 35-36 GW; 2 Corinthians 4 GW
God renews.
Pansies are a favorite flower of mine. They grow in my area from late fall to late spring; even snow doesn’t deter them from living. Life’s heaviness resembles pansies covered in snow. Their tender petals hunched over under the weight—each new flake adds more weight to the fragile plants. But from within, God renews. Even though they bend, they do not break. God designed them with an inner strength that perseveres the trials of the winter where we live. God created us the same way. Wherever you are, He will give you the inner strength to survive. But first, you have to seek Him.
Pansies die from lack of water. Water enters through the roots and nourishes the plant. When the snow melts, it will nurture what it once tried to smother. Just like flowers need water, we need the living water of Jesus. Seeking Him each day waters our soul, renewing us, strengthening us for what is to come.
Living water renews the soul.
Consider time with the Lord, a form of watering your soul. When the snow of life begins to weigh you down, remember it will melt. Winter doesn’t last forever, just for a season. When the cold months end, the melting snow waters the earth, bringing forth new life. God will use the snowstorms of your life to water the seeds of new growth in you. Drink deeply of the water Christ offers:
“But whoever drinks of the water that I will give him shall never thirst; but the water that I will give him will become in him a well of water springing up to eternal life.” (John 4:14 NIV)
Let Christ renew you today. Ask Him for His living water.

Lord, how thankful we are you turn snowstorms into watering moments. Forgive us for doubting You amid the storm. Renew us from within our souls. Though the storms of life cause us to bend, don’t let us break. Strengthen us as only You can. In all things, let us remember the water of life originates with You. IJNIP. Amen
Question for reflection
What snowstorm is God using to water your life with today?