2 minute read.

Daily Reading: Exodus 31-32 GW; 2 Corinthians 2 GW
“But I thank God, who always leads us in victory because of Christ. Wherever we go, God uses us to make clear what it means to know Christ. It’s like a fragrance that fills the air.” (2 Corinthians 2:14 GW)
Sharing Christ makes you fragrant.
Fourteen years ago this day, was my favorite Valentine’s Day Ever. On that Wednesday morning, I helped one of my closest friends move six and ½ hours away. On a mission for the Lord, she and her husband were planting Life Community Church (LCC) in Mt. Pleasant, SC. The women were all clothed in red Old Navy Valentine Tee-shirts. A caravan of cars, led by a U-haul truck, pulled out of Williamsburg, VA, into an unknown future. Why was this particular V-Day my favorite? Because we were sharing the best love of all to friends, we had yet to meet.
Over the past fourteen years, LCC continually shares Christ’s love with their community. Through the ups and downs of life, they have touched innumerable lives, too many to count. Watching what God did and is doing humbles us all. When I meet a new face who comes to LCC for one reason or another, I have the same thought. “We prayed for you before we ever knew you.”
Christ’s love is perfect.
Someone somewhere is praying for you. You may know who is praying for you; you may not. I pray for everyone that reads my devotional. Whether someone reads it once, or every day, or have yet to read it, I pray the same prayer. “Lord, let my writing draw them closer to You. May they know Your love so intimately that they can’t help but share it with others.”
Focus on Christ’s love today. Let His adoration for you absorb into your soul. Then share it with others, letting your fragrance fill the air around you.

Lord, how fragrant your love is today and always. Forgive us, Lord, if our perspective is on worldly love. Focus our eyes on You. For all we meet today, let Christ’s love fill the air around us. As You pour Your love into us, let it flow to the dark world where we live—more of You, less of us. Let the people in our lives know us by Your love. IJNIP. Amen
Question for reflection
Who can you share Christ’s love with today?