2 minute read.

Daily Reading: Exodus 27-28 GW; Psalms 96 GW
“Give to the Lord the glory he deserves.Bring an offering, and come into his courtyards.” (Psalms 96:8 GW)
Experiencing God’s presence causes glory.
Our problem isn’t God’s absence; our problem is seeking His presence. Over and over again in the scriptures, God tells us He never leaves us nor forsakes us. Yet, we all struggle with periods when we don’t think He is living up to His word. Distractions of the world cause us to miss what is right in front of us. And the battle of whose will prevails is constant. But if we seek His goodness, we’ll find it. When we do, we can’t help but give glory to Him.
You can praise God for all things, small or big. When you begin to thank God for something in your life, you’ll start to realize; He is always with you. One of the worst days of my life was when my nephew died from diabetes at 20 years old. In my darkest hour, God sent me family and friends who carried me through. When I couldn’t walk because of grief, God carried me with His people.
Glory is His.
Offerings of thankfulness and praise belong to God. Without Him, we are nothing. The air we breathe is a gift from above. Living in America, even in political turmoil, is a blessing. The freedoms we enjoy here, other places don’t. You may not feel like you have anything to praise God for today, but those two things are a start. Look around you today, find ten things to praise God for before the sunsets. See what a difference glorifying God makes in your day.

Lord, all glory goes to You. Forgive us for taking credit for Your work. As we move through our day, give us eyes to see what You’re doing. Help us intentionally find things to glorify You for today. Hone our vision so that in all things, we see You, even in our darkest hours. We bring our offerings of praise and worship to You. Bless our efforts as we strive to seek You. Help us connect the dots of what You are doing in our lives. To You, we give the glory. IJNIP. Amen
Question for reflection
How can You glorify God today?