2 minute read.

Daily Reading: Exodus 11-12 GW; Psalms 91 GW
“Whoever lives under the shelter of the Most High will remain in the shadow of the Almighty.” (Psalm 91:1 GW)
Life is full of choices.
Every day, we choose our shelter. Safe haven’s protect us from bad weather or danger, a place we can live without fear. From a spiritual standpoint, sheltering under the Most High keeps us in God’s shadow. But you have to choose to live in God’s shelter. When you live in His sanctuary, you find security from the changing world.
What does choosing God’s shelter mean? Your lifestyle lives in close communion with God. Amid life’s heartache, instead of focusing on the pain, you rest in God’s goodness. Life is painful for all of us. Everyone is suffering in some way. But if you choose to take shelter in God, you will find His protection. His love will calm your fears. Though the storm rages around you, His peace will sustain you. In Him, you find rest from the world.
God’s shelter is available to all.
To enjoy living in God’s shelter, all you have to do is believe. Have faith that God’s word is right. When He makes a promise, He keeps it. Jesus came in the flesh to give us an earthly example to follow. Of his 33 years on earth, Jesus spent most of them in seclusion. His time spent with God in private made His public ministry possible. Jesus understood living in God’s shelter meant communing with Him regularly, one-on-one.
Every relationship you have in your life is different. Your close relationships are the ones you spend the most time with each day. Make God one of your most intimate relationships. Spend intentional time alone with Him each day. As you live more deeply in His shelter, you will find the security for which you yearn.

Lord, Your shelter is where we want to live. Forgive us when we look for security in places other than You. Draw us under your wings as we take steps towards You. Each morning, before we roll out of bed, help us choose You. Help us embrace not only Jesus’s teachings but His lifestyle. As we seek Your shelter, protect us from life’s storms. IJNIP. Amen
Question for reflection
How can you rest in God’s shelter today?