2 minute read.

Daily Reading: Genesis 28-29 GW; Matthew 8 GW
Jesus cleans.
In today’s verse, a man with a severe skin disease asks Jesus if He is willing to clean him. Jesus’s reply, yes. Although the healing is physical in this instance, Jesus also heals emotionally. A cleaning of our soul occurs when we bear all to Jesus. As we confess whatever sin we’ve condemned ourselves for, He responds in love.
Jesus forgives. Because He showers grace on our imperfections, we become clean. The more we unburden to Jesus, the more He washes us in His love. Confessing our faults paves the way for forgiveness. When we begin to understand God’s grace for us, we extend it not only to others but ourselves as well.
Sometimes the hardest person we have to forgive is ourselves. Let Jesus help you. To receive His cleaning, you first have to ask. His grace allows you to approach Him without fear. No matter what the offense to confess, He will receive you with love.
Jesus will clean you.
When you ask Jesus if He is willing to clean you, His answer is yes. No one judges you harder than you. God isn’t in heaven, making a list of all your flaws. He’s looking at you with love-filled eyes, His child, His creation. We’re the ones who think God hates us for whatever reason. But God isn’t capable of hating; He is love. And He wants you to love yourself. Allow Jesus to clean you. Present your burdens to Him; let Him wash them away.
While putting away Christmas decorations, I put a hole in our garage ceiling. The angst I felt at having to tell my husband was immediate. I didn’t want to have to confess what I had done. However, the only way to rid myself of the guilt was to reveal the crime. Confession cleans the soul. With Jesus, you know He will always respond in love.

Lord, how grateful we are You clean us. When we come to You and ask for forgiveness, You forgive. Let Your grace wash over us as we come to You today. Help us lay our burdens at Your feet, not allowing us to take them back. Direct our paths forward not to repeat our folly. Help us live this day fully. IJNIP. Amen
Question for reflection
What do you want Jesus to clean for you today?