2 minute read.

Daily Reading: Genesis 14-15 GW; Psalms 47 GW; Matthew 1 GW
God is your shield.
In Him, the rewards of a life lived to the fullest are experienced. When God made the covenant with Abraham to give him descendants that outnumbered the stars, He first told Him today’s verse. God has a plan for your life, just like He had one for Abraham. He will keep you safe while you live out His purpose. At an appointed time, He calls us all home. But while in His service here on earth, He is our shield. Do not be afraid of what God’s plan is for your life.
Questions I hear often, “Why didn’t God protect so-and-so from this situation?” Or, “Why didn’t God heal so-and-so, but someone else died?” God is God. He gives and He takes away. God is the same when we praise Him, as well as when we don’t understand Him. God never intended us to know everything. What God wants is for us to trust Him, no matter what the situation, He has a plan. In God’s timing, all things work for the good.
God will keep you safe.
One concept that is difficult to accept, God doesn’t change. What we want as safety in life isn’t what God necessarily wants for us. We think of security as having no problems, bills paid, relationships intact, health is strong. But God may not define safety the same way. His idea of safety might take us through a violent storm, or unimaginable tragedy. In God’s sovereignty, He remains the same, no matter what the circumstances.
If we stop asking “Why God” questions, we can begin to ask “What God..”. What is God doing in this circumstance to grow His Kingdom. His bird’s eye view is much different than ours. God’s purpose is for us to become the person He created. Our journey is never ending while on earth. God keeps us safe for our purpose on earth. He is our shield.

Lord, thank You for Your divine protection. We are grateful that You are our shield. Protect us as we serve You. Help us fulfill the purpose You have for our lives as we continue the journey to become. Let us seek You today and every day, with hearts open to receive what You have for us. In You, we find freedom. IJNIP. Amen
Question for reflection
What step of faith can you take today knowing, God is your shield?