“The words of the mouth are deep waters, but the fountain of wisdom is a rushing stream.” (Proverbs 18:4 NIV)
Wise words give life to all that hear them. The NIV Theological Study Bible describes “deep waters”this way: a person’s words and plans may be unfathomable, inaccessible, not beneficial, and potentially dangerous. The words of the wise however, supply living water with ready accessibility. In other words, frivolous speech does no one good. Wise words give an ever lasting supply of life to those who listen to them.
My mother was a wealth of wisdom in my life. She had a knack for summing up a situation with few words. When I landed a job as a Flight Attendant after I graduated college, her advice was simple. “Don’t let any pilots in your hotel room.” I can still see her face as she spoke those words to me. She was right. I didn’t follow her advice. I learned a very hard, very painful lesson because I didn’t. I was a single woman who was easily taken advantage of in those days. But thanks to my mother and her wisdom, I learned quickly to follow her advice.
Wise words give life.
Wise words are easily accessible to us. All we have to do is ask:
“If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.” (James 1:5 NIV)
We acquire wisdom from God by asking Him for it. Part of my daily prayer: “Lord, give me your wisdom and discernment for the day ahead.” I know, without His help, my words are deep waters, frivolous, not helping anyone. But when I ask for His intervention, I’m amazed at what comes out of my mouth.
Twice this past week I was talking to friends on the phone. They were sharing with me things going on in their lives. Both times I had no words, I felt a nudge to pray because I didn’t know what to say. I didn’t want to offer frivolous words, I wanted to offer wise words that would help them. But I had none. So I prayed. I just lifted up our conversation to God, while talking to them on the phone.
Wise words come from God. Without His help, we will falter. When we include God in the conversation, He directs our tongue.
Since I’ve started following my dream of writing, words are all I think about. God teaches me daily about the power words have. Off-handed remarks cause deep wounds in people. Words spoken years ago still cause hurt. But God will give you wise words if you ask. Words that heal. Words that bring life. Words that change people’s destiny. All you have to do is ask.
Question of the Day:
Have you asked God to give you wise words?
Further Reading:2 Kings 15-16:20 NIV, Acts 19:13-41 NIV, Psalm 147:1-20 NIV, Proverbs 18:4-5 NIV