“God blessed the seventh day and declared it holy, for on it He rested from all of His work.” Genesis 2:2 CSB
I have the first part of this verse underlined in my Bible, there is an arrow pointing to the words, “Resting is Holy” in the margin. As we enter into one of the most hectic months of the year for most people, remembering that resting is Holy may just help us enjoy the season a little more. Each day I’m going to ask you how you are going to find rest that day. I loved in November hearing what everyone was thankful for each day. I think the interactions helped us all grow, helped us all be thankful, helped us all focus on what God has done for us. I’m hoping to keep the conversation going about rest. Let’s all help each other grow together by answering the question and encouraging each other.
Thinking about doing an entire month of rest, I wanted a game plan of where we would start, and where we would finish. As I started to research I came across this article by Bonnie Gray. She makes the point that rest is one of only three ambitions we have as stated in the New Testament. The other two, according to her, are preach the Gospel (Romans 15:20 NIV) and please God (2 Cor. 5:9 NIV). I haven’t done enough research to say whether I agree or not with whether those are the only ambitions, but I did find the verses she was referring to which makes rest an ambition for us:
“Make it your goal to live a quiet {restful} life, minding your own business and working with your hands, just as we instructed you before.” 1 Thessalonians 4:11 NLT
Let’s make it our ambition this month to be holier than ever by resting. Let’s not let the activities of the season make us lose focus on what is really important, living a restful life in God. Because it is only through our relationship with Him we can truly find rest. As we progress through this month, we’ll learn about ways to rest (hopefully), ways to release our cares to Him, ways to connect with the One who has all the answers to all of our questions. Rest is more than just a nice thought, it’s a way of life. God set the example from the beginning, He worked six days and rested on the seventh (Genesis 2:2 NIV). He meant it to be a part of our lives too.
Today, I am going to find rest by making it my ambition for the next month. How can you find rest today? Comment below.