Read Proverbs Chapter 27.
“Don’t boast about tomorrow, for you don’t know what tomorrow might bring.” Proverbs 27:1
Did you know the origin of the word “goodbye” comes from a parting prayer? It’s a contraction of the phrase, “God be with ye.” “Good” replaced “God” because of phrases like “good day” or “good night”. But when you are telling someone “goodbye” you are actually blessing them.
The root of the phrase “God be with ye” is recorded as early as 1659. A time and place very different from the world we live in today. People were much more aware that they may never see the person again. They didn’t take it for granted there was a tomorrow like we do today. They didn’t take it for granted they would have food for the next day. They earnestly thanked God for their daily bread. They earnestly thanked God for each day He gave them.
I recently gained this tidbit of wisdom from a pastor whose church we visited recently: “No one wastes their life intentionally, we waste it accidentally one day at a time.”
Today is all you are guaranteed. Realistically, you don’t know what will happen five minutes from now, much less what tomorrow will be like. Last year, on Feb. 23rd, one of my dear friends and his son went to finish a plumbing job. They only needed 10 minutes to do what they needed to do before they moved on with their day. It was a house they were helping finish for a homeless veteran. The job was never completed. They were ambushed by two high school kids who were robbing the home. My friend was shot 5 times, his son was killed. It all happened within minutes of arriving at their destination. They were doing nothing wrong. They were serving the Lord, serving their community, serving their church. My friend is a pastor, his son their worship leader. In a matter of moments lives were changed forever. A wife was left a widow, a daughter lost her father. A community was torn apart and all of their tomorrow’s forever changed.
God’s presence in the midst of this tragedy has been a shining light of hope to all concerned. He has led them through this past year and all of its dark days. One thing has become certain to anyone who knew and loved them, tomorrow is not guaranteed. Don’t boast about tomorrow, boast about today. Boast about what God is doing in your life today. Be thankful for what God is doing today.
Don’t waste your life accidentally one day at a time. Live your life intentionally today. Let God be your guiding light. In Him you will find life and find it to the fullest (John 1:10 NIV).