2 minute read.

Daily Reading: Genesis 16:1-18:15 ESV, Matthew 6:1-24 ESV, Psalm 7:1-17 ESV, Proverbs 2:1-5 ESV
Daily Verse: “Pray then like this: “Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name.” (Matthew 6:9 ESV)
HAGIAZO (37): “to make holy” (from hagios, “holy”), signifies to set apart for God, to sanctify, to make a person or thing the opposite of koinos, “common”; it is translated “Hallowed,” with reference to the name of God the Father in the Lord’s Prayer, Matt. 6:9; Luke 11:2.[i]
God deserves honor.
Raised in the church, I’ve never known life without God. Sunday services, community activities at the church, Bible studies are familiar to me. Taking God for granted or treating Him as less than ordinary, possible in the routine of life. Becoming busy with “church activities” doesn’t make us holier or mean we’re honoring God. When Jesus taught the disciples to pray, He started by recognizing God’s power and sovereignty.
My pastor gave his first message to his youth group when he was 16. Now in his late 60’s, he’s persevered through more difficulties than anyone I know, including the murder of his son. Through life’s trials, his reverence for God hasn’t changed.
Revel in God.
“God is God. He can do whatever He wants to do,” says my pastor often. Honoring God means accepting His will for your life. “Hallowed be your name” sets God apart, denoting His sovereignty over life. Without God, we can do nothing. With God, we can do everything.
Seventeen missionaries became victims of kidnappers in Haiti in October of 2021.[ii] Using Gideon’s fleece (Judges 6:36-40 ESV) as an example, the group prayed for specific signs to know when they should try their escape. If God didn’t provide the signal, they didn’t go. Finally, early in December, God answered their prayers. Sensing God’s leading, they found a way to open the blocked door, escaping and following the chosen path through thorns and briars, in complete silence, to reach safety. God led them to safety but honoring Him required waiting.
God is God. Honor Him today. When you spend time with your Maker today, revel in who God is. Our heavenly Father deserves our highest accolades. Recognize God’s holiness as you include Him in your day.
[i] Vine’s Complete Expository Dictionary of Old and New Testament Words (Word Study) (p. 2991). Thomas Nelson. Kindle Edition.
[ii] https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-59736726