2 minute read.
Daily Reading: Zechariah 14 GW; Romans 14 GW

Unity, not division.
One of the chapters in my book is on this topic. All around our country, division is occurring. As people of faith, our job is to unite, not divide. Loving God and others is a one-on-one sport.
Just like playing tennis, two players are necessary. The difference between the two, following Jesus, isn’t about winning. People aren’t drawn to us if our primary purpose is to win. But people do enjoy the company of those who care more about them than winning.
As a life-long Christ-follower, I know about in-house debates; different points of view on scripture. For instance, tribulation is considered the end time when Christ returns. Some believe Christ returns before the tribulation, some believe in the middle, and others believe after. Scripture supports each argument. But the truth is, no one knows. God is clear; we aren’t meant to know:
“But concerning that day or that hour, no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.” (Mark 13:32 ESV)
Love don’t debate.
Since no one knows the answer, I choose not to get involved in in-house debates. When people try to engage me, I don’t. For me, debating unknowables takes time away from loving God and people. And I’ve seen division occur because people disagree. One of the hardest lessons for me to learn, life isn’t about winning or losing; it’s about resolution.
For instance, my tennis partner handles communications for our academy. In a recent email, her wording confused one of the parents. When the parent asked for clarification, my partner immediately apologized for her lack of clarity. She had a choice; she could have chosen to push back and blame the parent or defend her words. But instead, she decided to own her actions and seek resolution, not victory.
Choosing what debates to invest time into is tough. Ask God; He’ll let you know which battles to fight, which to avoid. In the end, you’ll have more time to love.

Lord, thank You for guiding us. Forgive us for not always seeking You for direction. Show us the next steps you want us to take, Lord. Make the battles clear to us, don’t let us engage in ones that take us away from loving You, loving others. Our lives are Yours, IJNIP. Amen
Question for reflection
What battles are you choosing?