2 minute read.
Daily Reading: Genesis 50 GW; Exodus 1 GW; Matthew 23 GW
What you meant for evil, God meant for good.
Today’s verse resides in the life story of Joseph. His brother’s sold him into slavery, which led to a difficult journey, one that led him to a place of power. Because of Joseph’s obedience to God, he finds himself in a unique position. The land is amid a famine; the same brothers who plotted evil against him now need his help. Their father passed away; they are worried Joseph will get his vengeance on them. Not Joseph, his devotion to God, outweighs all else. Instead of revenge, he offers mercy to his brothers.
When you plan evil, the only one you are hurting is yourself. God takes what you meant for harm and turns it into something useful. The bottom line, don’t waste time plotting revenge. Instead, take a page from Joseph’s book and forgive. Look at the bigger picture, seek what God is doing during your pain.
God wins against evil.
Good versus evil is a constant battle in today’s world. People will hurt you; they will plan evil against you. One friend wisely said to me not too long ago, “Each of us is the villain in someone’s story.” Joseph was the villain in his brother’s story. They were envious of the favor their father gave him and of his God-given dreams. Because of their jealousy, they plotted evil against their flesh and blood.
Just like God foiled the brother’s evil plans, He hinders ours. Instead, God makes good come from the evil plans of others. Joseph’s salvation came from His trust in God. We have the same opportunity as Joseph. Instead of focusing on the wrongs done by others, focus on the right done by God. His goodness is what will always prevail. Evil plans cause regret. A life focused on Jesus germinates goodness.
Lord, how grateful we are You make evil plans falter. Forgive us for when we’ve plotted evil. Instead, renew our hearts with an extra measure of love for those who harm us. Help us to emulate Joseph and forgive. At all times, draw our eyes back to You. In our moments of weakness, shift our gaze back to the Son. IJNIP. Amen
Question for reflection
How can you focus your eyes on Jesus today instead of your pain?