Work For You

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One-minute read.

When the Israelites fled Egypt, the chariots and soldiers chased them out of the country. God’s salvation came when He parted the Red Sea, allowing the people to cross on dry ground and then causing the waters to encapsulate the pursuing army, gone forever. The Lord worked for the Israelites, and He does the same for you in ways you probably don’t even realize.

A social media post I read recorded a conversation with God. After having a bad day, the lady asked the Lord why. Why did I have car troubles? Why did I get held up at lunch? Why did her phone die mid-conversation? Why did all these minor grievances happen to her that day?

God responded with His perspective: the car troubles kept her out of the path of a drunk driver, the late lunch caused her not to get sick, and the phone died so she wouldn’t hear the false words that would have caused her trouble. On and on the list goes of ways God works for us that we don’t realize. What we surmise as bad could have an entirely different meaning from the Lord’s view.

But like God worked for the Israelites, He continues to work for us. We may not always see His maneuverings, but we can trust that the Lord has our back.


Thank You for working for us, protecting and guarding us from the enemies of this world. Please help us remember that things may have more than one perspective and You have our back always.

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