Stand Firm

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One-minute read.

Closing his first letter to the Corinthian church, Paul exhorts them to stand firm in the faith. Acting with courage means doing it afraid. Immediately, I thought of hitting the “send” button the first time I emailed Ron after we met. Scarred from past relationships, I had given up hope of finding someone. But I stood firm in my faith.

God gave me the courage to take the step of faith and try again. I knew, without a shadow of a doubt, that my heavenly Father loved me. Whether Ron rejected or accepted me didn’t matter because I had all I needed in the Lord, and I still do. I count my husband as one of my greatest gifts from God and cherish him daily. As I love to say, “Ron’s the icing on the cake of what I already had with God.”

Stand firm in your faith. Whatever fear you have, overcome it with trust in the Lord. Know that no matter what happens, you’ll regret not trying more than you will trying and failing. And no matter what happens, God adores you. Win or lose, the Creator will always love you. Trust in His affection, take steps of faith, knowing you will always find a firm footing in the Lord.


Thank You for loving us unconditionally and giving us the courage to take steps of faith. Please help us stand firm as we face our fears and follow You.

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