My Helper

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One-minute read.

Before David fought any battle, he sought the Lord. Knowing God fought for him, the warrior didn’t hesitate to take on Goliath. Like the shepherd boy who took down a giant with one stone, we have divine help to fight our battles.

“You come against me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the Lord Almighty, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied.
1 Samuel 17:45

Knowing where our help comes from gives us the strength to defeat the giants. The Lord assists us, giving us the tools to accomplish His purpose. When David prepared to take on Goliath, Saul dressed him in armor, but it didn’t fit the young boy. Shedding the metal protection, David picked up five smooth stones and relied on the Lord to use his skills to win the fight. As a shepherd, David had honed his stone-slinging technique protecting the sheep, and now God used the boy’s ability to save His people.

Face today’s enemy with the Lord as your helper. Lean into Him and find victory. With divine assistance, you can confidently face today’s giant, knowing God fights for you.


Thank You for giving us divine assistance to face our enemies and find victory. Please help us lean into You as we face the giants in our lives, trusting you for all we need.

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