More Valuable than Sparrows

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One-minute read.

For years, I didn’t think I had any value. Because I felt invisible on the inside, I didn’t think people noticed me on the outside, and so when someone saw me, I felt shocked. Growing up in the country, when I looked up at the stars in the sky, I felt small in the context of the vast universe surrounding us. Jesus’s words assure us of our place in the world; one God notices, even more so than the sparrows.

Small brown birds, sparrows build their nests close to the ground, feed their babies insects, and lead indiscriminate lives, hardly noticed by anyone. But the Lord sees them and knows their activities. Jesus wants us to understand: If the Creator cares about these barely noticed birds, how much more does He care about us?

Despite what you may feel inside, you matter. God notices and wants a relationship with you so desperately that He sent His Son to die for you. The Lord created you for a purpose only you can fulfill. Trust His words, believe God’s promises, and know you have immense value to the Lord and the world.


Thank You for giving us value and demonstrating its depth through Jesus. Please help us see ourselves as You do and understand our purpose as we seek You wholeheartedly.
IJNP. Amen

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