Satisfied Lips

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Two-minute read.

With the fruit of a man’s mouth his stomach will be satisfied; He will be satisfied with the product of his lips. 

Proverbs 18:20 

“Words create worlds,” Pastor Mike says all the time. What comes from our mouth determines the harvest. Fruitful, life-giving words produce a bountiful harvest, but critical speech kills the crop. Striving to speak uplifting and encouraging words constantly takes effort and help from the Lord.  

Love fatigue, a term I recently heard from Jon Tyson, a pastor in NYC, describes my current emotional state. As a pastor or anyone trying to follow Jesus, pouring your heart into someone, then having them leave or not appreciate the effort takes a toll. Remaining positive and not letting bitterness take root becomes challenging. “Lord, forgive my hardened heart,” started my journal entry this morning.  

Seeking God helps me keep my heart soft. Sharing my fatigue with Him helps me remember the Cross and Jesus’s selfless actions. “Jesus got frustrated too,” my husband said when I shared my feelings. Keeping the Son in my eyes helps rejuvenate my heart, plow up the hardened soil, and soften it, allowing me to speak uplifting and encouraging words because I want to create worlds that give life to others, not take away from it.  

To create satisfied lips, turn to the Lord for help. Ask Him to soften your heart, remove any bitter roots, and give you uplifting and encouraging words to always speak. No matter what frustrations we face, Jesus faced them too and still chose to give His life for us. In Him, we can find renewal and the ability to live life to the fullest. 


Lord, thank You for helping us overcome love fatigue, softening our hearts, and re-energizing us to fulfill our purpose. Please help us keep the Son in our eyes, remembering what He did for us. Let us not get weary as we follow You. 

IJNIP. Amen 

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