Don’t Give Up

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Two-minute read.

Let us not lose heart in doing good, for in due time we will reap if we do not grow weary. 

Galatians 6:9 

Growing weary happens when we have full schedules, sleepless nights, and a mind that won’t quit. But if we can find ways to stay focused on Christ and let Him determine our paths, we will find the energy to run our race well, not get sidetracked, and complete the divine tasks the Lord gives us. Accomplishing the jobs the Lord assigns us matters the most. Everything else compares to a hamster running on its wheel, going nowhere; he exhausts himself and becomes weary.  

Farmers know it will take months to reap a harvest when they plant their crops. In the same way, we can’t expect immediate results from our work today. I had a handful of followers when I first began writing, but discipline and time have helped it grow. For every bestselling author, they had a day one when no one read anything they wrote. But staying on task and running their race, they eventually reaped the harvest.  

Start your day with the Lord, allowing Him to determine your calendar. Gain strength from God as you let go of your agenda and accept His. Whatever the Creator wants you to do, He gives you the tools. If you feel weary and worn out, deeply dive into your calendar with the Lord and let Him prioritize it. In the long run, you’ll find a lot of the things sucking energy from you need to go. Following God’s agenda will invigorate you, not exhaust you. Don’t let weariness keep you from reaping the harvest the Lord has for you.  


Lord, thank You for giving us the strength to accomplish Your will. Please help us submit our schedule to You, following Your agenda, not ours. Prioritize our days as we seek You, putting You first.  

IJNIP. Amen 

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