Needed Rest

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Two-minute read.

“You shall work six days, but on the seventh day you shall rest; even during plowing time and harvest you shall rest. 

Exodus 34:21 

In the Mosaic Law, God commands us to take a Sabbath “to rest or cease from work.”  Morally, the commandment requires us to dedicate time to the Lord and ceremonially set aside the seventh day. In other words, God has put time with Him on our weekly calendar as a command He expects us to follow.  

Attending church each Sunday, whether at home or traveling, starts our week on the right foot. As an international prayer team member, I don’t take the freedom we have to worship for granted freely. Each week, our prayer team prays for those who face persecution, up to and including death, just for believing in Jesus. Resting from work, Sundays represent a day for family and friends, as we spend time together on the Lord’s Day.  

“We’ve found employees perform better if they take their day off,” said my District Manager while training me for my first managerial role.  

I’ve never forgotten her words. Although she didn’t base her conclusion on Biblical commandments, God already knew what the study proved: We need a day off. Observing the Sabbath honors the Lord and also prepares us for the week to come. Take the needed rest. God will handle the world’s problems while you rest in Him. 


Lord, thank You for knowing our needs even more than we do. Please help us keep the fourth commandment, observing a day of rest as we dedicate the time to You.  Let us enjoy the benefits of the Sabbath as we implement it into our lives.  

IJNIP. Amen 

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