Fruitful Harvest

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Two-minute read.

And sow fields and plant vineyards, And gather a fruitful harvest. 

Psalm 107:37 

God takes deserts and turns them into vineyards, producing fruitful harvests. Transformation comes when we allow the Lord to fill our hearts with His love, grace, and mercy, giving us overflowing springs that flood the world around us. Replacing the bitterness, hatred, jealousy, and resentment that make a heart desert land, God gives us a spiritual transplant when we place our faith in Him. The more time we spend with the Creator, the more transformed our life will become.

Since I started seeking the Lord with my whole heart, mind, body, and soul, He’s changed me completely and continues the transformation. Where once jealousy destroyed relationships, I now rejoice at someone else’s blessings. God replaced hatred with love by showing me the negative emotion and helping me overcome it with His commands. Instead of becoming bitter at the struggles in life, the Lord helped me become better, and resentment becomes joy when we make God the center of our life.

Only with the Holy Spirit can life transformation begin. Jesus, knowing we need help to become more like Him, left us His Spirit when He ascended into heaven. Placing faith in Christ gives us access to the Helper. Like subscribing to an app on our cell phones, the moment we say yes, all the features come to life. But when we turn our back on the Lord, we lose the connection and the transformation that comes with it. Each day, we must choose who we will follow. Then, minute by minute and hour by hour, we must continue to choose as life unfolds before us.


Lord, thank You for giving us Your Spirit to transform our lives and help us produce a fruitful harvest. Turn the deserts in our hearts into overflowing springs that bring light into the world. Let us share Your love freely with all we meet.


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