Heavenly Recognition

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And whoever gives one of these little ones even a cup of cold water because he is a disciple, truly, I say to you, he will by no means lose his reward.

Matthew 10:42

Jesus promises no one will lose their heavenly reward for following Him. Every small act we do matters to God, including giving a drink to someone who thirsts. What we consider insignificant, the Lord thinks of as significant. God notices when we encourage anyone in the faith, even in the minutest ways. You never know how an encouraging smile will spur someone on their journey.

Jesse Owens, an American Olympian, befriended Carl “Luz” Long in the 1936 Olympics when Long shared a technique to help his long jump. Owens, bending to his knees to pray before the competition, led Long to faith in God.

“That hour in Berlin when I first spoke to you, when you had your knee upon the ground, I knew that you were in prayer. 

Then I not know how I know. Now I do. I know it is never by chance that we come together. I come to you that hour in 1936 for the purpose more than der Berliner Olympiade…I think I might believe in God,” Last Letter from Long to Owens before suffering a fatal wound in battle.[i]

Jesse Owens gave Carl Long a glass of water in the form of a bent knee, which led the Nazi soldier to believe in God and give his life to Him. Small actions receive heavenly recognition, change lives, and have eternal impact. You never know how you may impact someone’s life with a glass of water.


Small actions have heavenly rewards.


Lord, thank You for noticing the smallest things and rewarding our efforts. Please help us remember that You see everything, even the tiniest acts of kindness towards others. Let us encourage others in the faith, helping them draw closer to You and experience Your eternal joy.


[i] https://www.ww2history.org/at-war/the-friendship-of-american-jesse-owens-and-german-carl-luz-long-and-the-1936-berlin-xi-olympic-games/

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