Renewed in Spirit

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One-minute read.

To put off your old self, which belongs to your former manner of life and is corrupt through deceitful desires, and to be renewed in the spirit of your minds, and to put on the new self, created after the likeness of God in true righteousness and holiness.

Ephesians 4:22-24

God wants us to discard our old lifestyles as we begin a new life with Him. Every day, we get fresh mercy from above that gives us the chance to do better. As long as we live, we’ll struggle with our sinful nature. The Lord knows our trials and tribulations and gives us the Holy Spirit to help us renew our minds and put on the new self with true righteousness and holiness.

After speaking at Life Community Church in May, a friend shared his anger struggles and how he overcame them. Someone advised him that you can restart your day at any moment. Applaud yourself for doing better than before, and start again. I’ve applied those words to my life since he said them.

When golfing with my husband one morning, we had a rough start. The group behind us tried to steal our tee time while the group in front of us added an extra player after three holes, slowing down play. As my anger wanted to overtake me, I thought of my friend’s words and decided on the 6th hole to restart my day and let it all go. Looking up to the heavens, I asked God for a reset, then started again.

Renew your spirit with Jesus repeatedly. Let the Lord help you change your attitude as you become more like Christ, leaving your old ways behind.

Journaling Questions:

What old ways do you need to put behind you?

How does Jesus help you put on your new self?

What can you do to renew your spirit today?


Lord, thank You for giving us new life in Christ. Please help us to put on our new selves every day, leaving our past further and further behind us. Let us have the attitude of Jesus, leading with grace and mercy and loving everyone we meet.


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