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So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.

John 8:36

Through Jesus, we find freedom. God’s Son invites us into the Lord’s family and shares His perfection. We can’t do anything to earn the gift of salvation; in our humanness, we remain sinners. Jesus, as God’s Son, has a right to the divine heir privileges, and He transfers those privileges to us when we place our faith in Him and begin to follow His teachings.

For instance, when I started following Biblical financial principles, I found freedom from debt, no longer laying awake at night, wondering how to pay my next loan payment. Instead, I found freedom by putting God first in my finances, tithing, paying my creditors, and saving money. Faith in Jesus and obeying His commands gave me freedom.

The journey never ends. As I gain freedom from one thing, God reveals another area I need to give Him. Currently, I’m gaining freedom from a protective mechanism I’ve used my entire life, which my husband calls “The Bear.”  When I feel cornered, I come out fighting, often at the expense of others. But through Jesus, I’m learning a different way to react and finding newfound freedom.

Let God free you from bondage. Place your trust in Jesus, begin following Him, apply His teachings, and find freedom like never before.


Jesus sets us free!


Lord, thank You for the freedom we find in Jesus. Help us apply Christ’s teachings to our lives, turn from our sinful ways, and find true freedom like never before. Give us the strength to take the steps of faith we need to take and follow You.


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