One-minute read.

Hiding place.
Growing up in the countryside of Pennsylvania, I loved our little house on the hill, overlooking our neighbor’s houses below, the church we attended sitting opposite us on the next hill. Our concrete driveway sloped to a flat surface; the garage sat at the end. Two bushes grew between the garage and the driveway, no longer there. Inside those bushes, I found the perfect hiding place. Crawling into the small space, I would read and live in my imaginary world, safe from the outside world and its dramas.
God gives us a hiding place. When we turn to Him in our troubles, He protects us, holding us in the palm of His hand. Always available and ready to hear our prayers, the Lord never leaves nor forsakes us.
“Because he bends down to listen, I will pray as long as I have breath!” Psalm 116:2
Can’t you picture God bending down to hear your prayers? I can. Like a beloved Grandfather leaning in to hear the thoughts of his grandchild, God bends to listen to us. Crying out to Jesus in our time of need will help us find a secure hiding place from the world’s troubles. When we turn to Him in prayer, we can discover God’s peace that surpasses all understanding. The Lord’s ready to listen when we start praying.
Praise You for never leaving nor forsaking us and giving us a hiding place during life’s storms. Thank You for preserving us from trouble and surrounding us with shouts of victory. Let us live boldly for You, knowing You always have our back, and we can rest in You. IJNIP. Amen