One-minute read.

Great adversity.
Likened to rushing water through a ravine, draw close to God through prayer in time of need, and He will protect you. Life comes with adversity; no one has smooth sailing; storms can come upon us without warning, knocking us off our feet and causing panic and turmoil. But when we stand on the Rock, the howling winds of adversity won’t blow us off of it. Firmly, we will survive the storm, taking refuge in God.
My husband lived in Missouri during his childhood. One day, playing in the yard, a tornado blew through their town. Ron still remembers the sound of the locomotive-like winds as they began to roar. His mom grabbed her children, ushering them to safety in the basement. When the cyclone passed, it took out their neighbor’s house, leaving a pile of rubble, but thankfully, their home remained unscathed.
Offering prayer to the Lord during difficult times protects us. Like Ron and his family found safety in the confines of the basement, we find refuge under God’s wings. Houses with no foundation will crumble, but ones with a firm foundation persevere. Prayer takes us into God’s presence and connects us with the sovereign Lord who controls everything, even life’s storms.
Find safety in God’s presence. Trust Him to either calm the storm or calm you in the midst of it. Either way, you will find refuge.
Lord, we praise You for protecting us amid great adversity. Thank You for keeping us grounded and secure during life’s storms. Give us the peace that surpasses all understanding as we face the howling winds. Let us find refuge in You, standing firm on the Rock. IJNIP. Amen