Not Fear

One-minute read.

Surrounded by tens of thousands of his enemies, David abandons his worries to the Lord and goes to bed. By sleeping, God’s warrior expresses his confidence in the Lord’s ability to lead him to victory.

Everyone experiences feeling surrounded by adversity. Some days, whatever you try to do seems to come with opposition. Spiritual attacks can feel like armies flanking us on all sides. If we give the devil an inch, he takes a mile.

Instead of letting the enemy’s attacks get to you, give them to the Lord and rest in His strength. God has given us victory; we must remember who has our back. Living in the peace that surpasses all understanding, as David did while on the battlefield, requires a close connection with the Prince of Peace. Following Jesus means always keeping Him in front of you.

When the enemy surrounds you, look up. Trust the Savior to defend you. Remind the devil he loses every time, always. You have nothing to fear with the Lord on your side. He fights for you, going in front and protecting you from the rear. In God, you can take refuge and sleep well, knowing victory will come.


Thank You for giving us the victory through Jesus. Please help us keep our eyes focused on You when the enemy attacks. Let us live in Your peace as we face the battles before us.

Useless Words

One-minute read.

Eliphaz, a friend of Job who lost his family, health, and money, gives a long lecture explaining why God’s servant has endured such hardship. In Eliphaz’s opinion, Job’s sin caused heartache, and the Lord punished the non-Israelite for his actions. As a resident of the Land of Uz, scholars believe Job doesn’t come from one of the twelve tribes.

People want to explain what they don’t understand, especially in the face of tragedy. Asking “Why?” doesn’t dispel the pain. And even when we know the why, it still doesn’t remove the heartache. Only God can comfort us in our darkest valleys, and He does. We will all experience devastating days, but we can trust the Lord’s divine protection to get us through them.

Job waited on the Lord for 37 chapters before God spoke to him. The three friends show us what not to do when we comfort those in distress. Instead of trying to explain what we don’t know, the best course of action comes from presence. Sitting with someone amid grief, not speaking, but showing up for them, listening, and comforting them with your presence goes much further than any words you speak.


Thank You for the examples of what not to do when comforting a friend. Please help us use our words wisely, showing up for people in need and letting them do the talking.

Be Strong

One-minute read.

“He spoke to their heart,” the Hebrew words for “he encouraged them” speak volumes about our connections with each other and the Savior. Elisha speaks directly to the discouragement and fear the people experience, assuring them the Lord has more power than any human army.

Jesus knows our hearts and speaks directly to them. When we have life-giving conversations, we talk to people’s hearts. The cords that bind us come from the heartstrings that connect us.

Fear drags our hearts and minds into turmoil, but Jesus dispels the anxious emotion with His grace and peace. Overcoming the world, Christ shares His strength with us by connecting our hearts to His. As we follow and grow in our faith, sharing what we have found with others, we replace fear with the joy of the Lord, knowing we have all we need in Him.

Have heart conversations today. Start with the Lord, then with others. Connect on a deeper level, speak to people’s negative emotions, and remind them of the God we serve. Nothing conquers fear like the unconditional love of Jesus, bringing light into the darkness and dispelling lies with divine truth. Remember, the power with us from the Lord far outweighs anything the enemy throws at us.


Thank You for speaking directly to our hearts, illuminating the doubt and discouragement, and eliminating it. Please help us focus on Your power and not get distracted by the enemy’s ploys.

Stacked Odds

One-minute read.

In Dothan, the prophet Elisha became trapped by the Aramean army. His servant awakes and finds themselves surrounded by the enemy. But Elisha doesn’t panic; instead, he assures the servant that God’s forces far outweigh the Arameans. The prophet prayed, giving his companion supernatural vision and the ability to see the angelic forces. God miraculously saved the duo by blinding the Arameans and allowing them to leave the incident unscathed.

Sometimes, the numbers looked stacked against us, but God always has a plan, and His army far outnumbers the enemy. Only by becoming trapped could Elisha’s situation glorify the Almighty. Like Moses standing before the Red Sea, we must reach the water’s edge before God parts it.

Whatever impossible situation you face today, have no fear; God makes everything possible. You may not see the angelic forces around you but don’t doubt their presence. Whether the Lord blinds the enemy or parts the sea, He will give you victory if you trust and obey Him. Ask the Lord for eyes to see and ears to hear, and wait expectantly for His revelation.

Do not be afraid; God’s army far outweighs any enemy attack you may endure.


Thank You for stacking the odds in our favor, even if we can’t see them. Please help us live fearlessly for You as we endure enemy attacks, knowing divine victory awaits us.

God Gives

One-minute read.

Joshua trusted God’s promise; he moved into the promised land through the parted waters of the Jordan River. When the Lord told Joshua to march around Jericho seven times in seven days, the warrior did it, despite how ridiculous he may have felt. Trusting his Creator gave Joshua an unforgettable place in history. Because of his faithfulness, God extended daylight to accomplish His goals.

Writing by the window and watching the sunrise over the trees has become my favorite way to begin the day. As I finish this sentence, the sun’s rays peek over the clouds, revealing their brilliance—a new day has begun. Each morning, God reveals His sovereignty in the rising and setting sun. Only the Lord controls the fiery balls’ movements, something we take for granted.

But Joshua didn’t, relying on God to slow down the sun’s evolution to defeat the Amorite kings and take possession of the promised land. The Lord fulfilled his promise to Joshua, giving the kings into his servant’s hands.

Whatever promise the Lord makes, He keeps. Stand firm on the rock today, trusting God to do whatever it takes to fulfill His word.


Thank You for the reliability of Your word and the fulfillment of Your promises. Please help us stand firm today, knowing You will do whatever it takes to keep Your commitments.

Goes Before

One-minute read.

“Lord, go before me and clear my path.”

When I am anxious about doing something, I pray that eight-word prayer that comforts me. Knowing God goes before me helps me take the steps necessary to do the divine task. In one of his last exhortations before dying, Moses gives Joshua this infamous message as they prepare to take the promised land.

Like any relationship, it takes two to tango. To receive God’s blessings, we must take steps of faith. The Israelites had to walk into their future; the Lord didn’t bring it to them, and He wanted them to do so without hesitation or fear, so God led the way.

I learned an interesting fact about the Tabernacle: it resembles a human body. Animal skins covered the outside, while blue, purple, and scarlet cords filled the inside, like the skin covering our arteries and veins. God dwelled in the innermost part of the Tabernacle, just like He lives in our hearts.

We don’t go anywhere without the Lord. He leads us by day and by night, just like He did the Israelites. Wherever God’s taking us, He goes before us and clears the path. We can trust in His leadership.


Thank You for going before us and clearing our paths. Please help us follow You fearlessly, trusting You for the journey. Encourage us and uplift us as we follow You.

Do Not Be Faint Hearted

One-minute read.

God gives the Israelites four commands as they prepare for battle: do not be fainthearted, do not be afraid, do not be terrified, and do not give way to panic. Even though enemies surround the people, the same Lord who led them from Egypt will lead them to victory over every one of their opponents.

During our second week in our new home, my sweet Sophia, our rat terrier rescue who captured my heart, escaped from the yard. My emotions quickly escalated as I thought of losing her. Then I heard a voice saying, “Do not panic.” I knew I needed to remain calm if I wanted to think clearly.

Those three words helped me regain control of my feelings and focus on the Lord, asking Him for help. “Pray, not panic,” the prayer from my book “Three Word Prayers for Every Day Living” for moments of distress proved effective again. Rounding the corner of our house, I saw my sweet girl and called her to me, tempting her with a treat she couldn’t resist, all well once more.

Keeping the Son in our eyes helps us overcome fear and panic, strengthens our hearts, and gives us victory over whatever enemy we face. Listening to the Lord’s commands and trusting His deliverance will provide us with success.


Thank You for giving us the tools to control our emotions, center our thoughts on You, and win over our enemies. Please help us seek You first in all things, letting You guide our paths.

Give Strength

One-minute read.

God protects His people. When Noah went through the flood waters, the Lord kept Him safe. The Almighty never left Joseph during his trials. God closed the mouths of the lions in the den for Daniel and extended the daylight for Joshua. The Creator gives us strength to face the trials of life, and His blessing of peace helps us persevere.

Seeking the Lord’s support will give us strength to endure, peace to pass along to others, and blessings to share. We can live boldly for Christ, knowing He provides our needs. Faith overcomes fear every time.

“Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks it will be opened.”
Matthew 7:7-8

We don’t have because we don’t ask. Recently, I made a bold request of the Lord, something I’ve never done so bluntly before. And He responded, providing for the need I requested in a way I never imagined. If I hadn’t asked, I wouldn’t have received it.

Ask God for the strength you need to face today’s mountain. Seek His peace and receive His blessing when you trust in the Lord.


Thank You for giving us what we need to do the work You have for us. Please turn our eyes to You, reminding us to ask You for our provisions and trusting You to provide.

Work For You

One-minute read.

When the Israelites fled Egypt, the chariots and soldiers chased them out of the country. God’s salvation came when He parted the Red Sea, allowing the people to cross on dry ground and then causing the waters to encapsulate the pursuing army, gone forever. The Lord worked for the Israelites, and He does the same for you in ways you probably don’t even realize.

A social media post I read recorded a conversation with God. After having a bad day, the lady asked the Lord why. Why did I have car troubles? Why did I get held up at lunch? Why did her phone die mid-conversation? Why did all these minor grievances happen to her that day?

God responded with His perspective: the car troubles kept her out of the path of a drunk driver, the late lunch caused her not to get sick, and the phone died so she wouldn’t hear the false words that would have caused her trouble. On and on the list goes of ways God works for us that we don’t realize. What we surmise as bad could have an entirely different meaning from the Lord’s view.

But like God worked for the Israelites, He continues to work for us. We may not always see His maneuverings, but we can trust that the Lord has our back.


Thank You for working for us, protecting and guarding us from the enemies of this world. Please help us remember that things may have more than one perspective and You have our back always.

Gather You

One-minute read.

God, leading with grace, reminds the people that He will keep His word. Bringing the Israelites out of Egypt freed them from slavery. When we acknowledge our sins and ask the Lord to forgive us, it frees us from bondage.

Like chains that hold a prisoner captive, sin wraps itself around us, binding us within its grips and separating us from the Lord. Wanting to hide our disobedience, we avoid God. When Adam and Eve ate the apple, they hid when the Creator walked in the garden. But the All-Knowing knew what happened before the couple confessed and immediately forgave them, restoring the relationship.

We don’t hide from God; He knows everything. Accepting our sinful nature and readily admitting our faults to the Lord draws us closer to the Creator and helps us live free from guilt. God doesn’t want us tied up in knots over our misdeeds, but to admit and learn from them, allowing Him to use all things for the good of those who believe and trust in the Savior.


Thank You for leading with grace and creating a way for us to live free. Please help us acknowledge our sins, learn from them, and receive Your forgiveness. Let us become more like Jesus as we pursue You.