One-minute read.

Surrounded by tens of thousands of his enemies, David abandons his worries to the Lord and goes to bed. By sleeping, God’s warrior expresses his confidence in the Lord’s ability to lead him to victory.
Everyone experiences feeling surrounded by adversity. Some days, whatever you try to do seems to come with opposition. Spiritual attacks can feel like armies flanking us on all sides. If we give the devil an inch, he takes a mile.
Instead of letting the enemy’s attacks get to you, give them to the Lord and rest in His strength. God has given us victory; we must remember who has our back. Living in the peace that surpasses all understanding, as David did while on the battlefield, requires a close connection with the Prince of Peace. Following Jesus means always keeping Him in front of you.
When the enemy surrounds you, look up. Trust the Savior to defend you. Remind the devil he loses every time, always. You have nothing to fear with the Lord on your side. He fights for you, going in front and protecting you from the rear. In God, you can take refuge and sleep well, knowing victory will come.
Thank You for giving us the victory through Jesus. Please help us keep our eyes focused on You when the enemy attacks. Let us live in Your peace as we face the battles before us.